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Six Time-Saving Hair Care Tips for the CEO Mom: Achieving Luscious Locks on the Go

When it comes to beauty, having luscious and healthy hair ranks high on the priority list. However, with hectic schedules that include managing a career, an ever-growing to-do list, and our own self-care, not all of us have time to maintain a hair care routine. This makes it challenging to guarantee beautiful hair. Some of us struggle to style our locks, while for others, maintenance is the biggest challenge.

There are several methods and products you can use to style and treat your hair, which will ultimately help you manage it better. Here are six tips to help you figure out a hair care routine that not only fits your schedule and lifestyle but will also help keep your hair as healthy and beautiful as you want it to be.

Protect your hair from heat

Using heat tools like hair dryers, straighteners, and curling wands can damage your hair over time, drying out your locks. However, this doesn’t mean you must avoid those styling tools. To minimize heat damage, use heat protectants such as serums, creams, and sprays that protect your hair from the heat. This way, you can style your hair with heat tools without drying it out.

Style while blow drying

A great hair care tip is to style your hair while blow drying it. Some people roughly dry their hair before spending additional time styling it to achieve their desired look. However, if you are short on time, consider styling it while you dry it. Heat-resistant brushes are great to use and can create a voluminous, bouncy look. Note that styling your hair while blow drying depends on your hair texture and type. Ensure this method suits you before implementing it. Also, remember that blow drying applies heat to your hair. You should use heat protectant products beforehand to minimize heat damage, especially if you regularly blow dry your hair. In addition, blow dry your hair on a low heat setting to further protect your locks.

Try different styles and step out of your comfort zone

Sometimes it’s great to step out of your comfort zone, especially with a hairstyle. So why not try something a little different? If your hair is always wavy, consider straightening it, or if it’s usually straight, try curling it. Perhaps it’s time to visit a hair stylist who can suggest a cut that suits your face shape. Dare to be different and consider more permanent hairstyles as a way to experiment with your look. For example, experiment with hair colors, or explore different tones to see what you like, such as hair brassiness. The colder months may mean you want to go darker, whereas the warmer months might entice you to go a little lighter.

Use a conditioning mask once a week

Your hair doesn’t just need a daily conditioner. It also benefits greatly from a deep conditioning mask that you can apply to it once a week. Just as with a facial mask, applying a deep conditioning mask to your hair and letting it sit for a set time can enhance its shine and make it appear healthier. There are also masks that help to optimize hair growth. Determine your hair care goals and find a mask that works best for you. 

Find hair products that work and stick with them

Some people swap and change their hair products, but once you find a brand that works for you, stick with it. This is because each shampoo and conditioner has different active ingredients. In some cases, you should stick with a brand to confirm its effectiveness before switching to another after just a few uses. Your hair will thank you for the consistency, and you might notice better results by sticking with a product to see its full effect. A great tip is to seek out reviews and check the ratings for honest feedback. It’s also helpful to understand your hair’s characteristics, such as porosity, which is its ability to absorb and retain moisture. This understanding can guide you in selecting products that maintain proper moisture levels. Find products that fit your lifestyle, budget, and specific hair care needs.

Try some home remedies

Finally, you don’t have to buy lots of different products. You may discover that items in your cupboards can serve as DIY hair remedies. You’d be amazed at what can work on your hair. Applying natural oils to your hair overnight (or as part of your hair care regimen) can have a similar effect as a conditioning hair mask. Alternatively, natural remedies like lemon juice can create lighter highlights when exposed to the sun. Just do some research on websites like Pinterest for more DIY hair care ideas.

Here’s to implementing these tips and advice to help you create fabulous-looking hair.

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