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9 Tips on How to Speak to Your Kids About the Coronavirus

With the COVID-19 pandemic dominating most conversations these days, children have no doubt heard about the coronavirus and may be experiencing fear and uncertainty. Licensed mental health counselor Yasmin Rey offers some tips on how to address COVID-19 with kids. Rey is the program coordinator for the Child Anxiety and Phobia Program at FIU’s Center for Children and Families. Don’t avoid…

Ten Tips for Parents Navigating the New Realities of Online Education

With COVID-19 causing widespread school closures, children across the country are being given alternate resources, some online, to study outside of the classroom. Temporary solutions being devised for remote education range from online classroom tools like Google Classroom, to Zoom and podcasts by teachers. While parents are adjusting to this new scenario, during this time…

Turning Kids into Community Upholders During the Coronavirus

For the past four years, my family has held a family meeting each and every weekend.  Sometimes it’s in-depth, gathered around the kitchen table unpacking a deep and difficult problem, sometimes it’s fast and furious, in an airport lounge waiting to come back from a trip and just doing a run-through of family logistics.  One thing is…

What to do When Your Child HATES Math

Kids hate math for many different reasons. Some find it too hard, others find it overwhelming, and still others are so bored by it that they can hardly bring themselves to complete their assignments. But whatever the reason, nothing ruins a day (and mom’s nerves) like fighting about math. The constant arguing, whining, and crying…

Parent’s Social Media Checklist: 5 Critical Online Skills To Teach Your Tween Before They Find Snapchat

Unfortunately there’s no official set of guidelines parents can use to properly set screen time or introduce their tweens to social media – particularly around more risky platforms like Snapchat. Enter Priya Rajendran, a software engineer and technology veteran who lead the team that built the PayPal Wallet. Based on her 20 years of work…

Financial Literacy: How to Teach Your Kids

Whether you have your own kids or you’re just the cool aunt or uncle, you have the opportunity to act as a role model and teach the children in your lives about a lot of different things. While some of these—like financial literacy, credit and protecting your identity may not seem like fun, they are…

iUniversity Prep: An Online School for Highly Motivated and Engaged Learners

Kidpreneurs represent a unique group. They are kids who have added entrepreneurship to their academic careers. In addition to classwork, they have business meetings, press interviews, product launches and more. Due to their complex schedules and lifestyle, a traditional school setting may not be the best option. CEOKID spoke to Dr. Kaye Rogers, the Director…
